I feel normal. Why do you ask?
Actually, that's my cat, Bucky. I need something to get the .38 Special thing lower on the page. And, I kind of like that picture.
But I have been getting that question a lot lately. For those of you who may not know it, I've been spending a lot more time at my other blog, West and Clear. I've actually been quite busy. Drop by and check it out.
But that leads in to my thoughts for today. Over the past several months since the beginning of West and Clear, my blogging has been a little schizophrenic. Do I post something on the Caravan? On West and Clear? On both? And that doesn't get into my other other blog.
In short, I have three blogs, and given the demands of my life, it seems that any one of them can be good at any one moment. I'm trying to change that, but you can only spend so many hours a day behind a keyboard.
And to call West and Clear "my" blog is not the whole truth. I am a proud papa, but West and Clear has four other fathers. Bernie, Kevin, PeteG and PeteW joined our mighty blogging powers because we wished to be the kings of all media in Fort Worth and crush all those who sought steal that mantle from us.
Actually, I kid.
We came together as a bunch of blogging SuperFriends because we love Fort Worth and want to tell its stories. So far, it's working. Together, I believe we are better bloggers collectively than we are individually. We feed off off the group energy. We like each other. We enjoy our work.
And the readers of Fort Worth have responded. Many of you are already West and Clear readers and some of you even take the time to leave your comments. Thank you. We've met you out in the community and you've encouraged us to keep writing. One frequent comment we hear goes like this: "I finally feel like I know what's going on in Fort Worth."
Again, thank you. I'm flattered, but I haven't drank that much of the KoolAid yet. However, I do believe that West and Clear fills a need.
So, you may be wondering, what does that have to do with The Caravan of Dreams?
A lot.
I'm tired of double-posting or trying to figure out what goes where. And, I believe some of my readers are confused, too. So I am adopting a new policy.
Effective immediately, those of you who are looking for my musings on urban gas drilling, local politics, local media, local music, local arts coverage or any other Fort Worth topic, head over to West and Clear. It's all there. However, those of you who are looking for the occasional musings on God, Godzilla, books and any other cosmic questions that are rattling around in my attic, you'll find that nonsense right here.
I know most of my readers are interested in the Fort Worth topics, and I enjoy writing about them. But The Caravan of Dreams is still pretty special to me and I hope y'all will continue reading here, too. I started blogging a few years ago as a way to make sense of my life after my father died. I don't know what I was expecting to find, if I was trying to write my way to some sort of answer of what life is about. If that was what I was looking for, I didn't find it. I'm just as clueless as before.
But I did find that writing stories helps. It's therapeutic. I grew up avidly listening to stories and I always hoped that I would be able to one day tell stories of my own. Honestly, I don't think I'm very good at it, but I enjoy the hell out of it. I enjoy the hell out of my life and living in Fort Worth. And, above all, I am not short of observations. So this blog will continue to be the old shoebox filled with the trading cards, paperclips, wheat pennies and bottlecaps of imagination.
So, read me at West and Clear, but read me here, too. I promise interesting reading at both sites. And two out of three ain't bad.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
What's the Deal with Steve?
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3:20 PM
Labels: blogging, ramblings, West and Clear
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I certainly intend to keep my virtual subscription to both blogs. Sure, urban gas drilling might pose a threat to Fort Worth, but Godzilla poses a threat to ALL OF US. Keep people posted on both, Steve.
I'm not sure how many people might have recently come across this blog, but I recommend any new Caravaners (oh yeah, I'll take credit for coining that one) check out the following:
Steve's eight-part history of guns
The amazing story of U.S. Marine Karl King
A great Hank Thompson retrospective
I realize that you and your co-conspirators have big plans at West and Clear, but I'm hopeful that you'll still have time to occasionally post here, too, even if it isn't about the heavy stuff. Maybe I disagree with Don Draper here ... we could always waste time on kabuki.
I love your writings, especially the political updates. If I can't find breaking local political news/updates on ST, I can always find it on westandclear, caravan, or cowtownchronicles (I know this one's pete's) and it's w/out such "political correctness" that it's interesting to actually read and gather the "real unedited story." I appreciate your work! I'll continue to visit all three sites. BTW, so glad to see open polls on blogorrhea.
Thanks both for the kind words. Unchain The Dogs brought up a good point -- Blogorrhea is a fun blog and there are more good FW blogs all the re to check the ones listed in the blogroll on the left.
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